A business disputes mediator in Newport Beach CA helps parties who have opposing positions to come together to create a mutually-agreeable solution to their problem. A business disputes mediator in Newport Beach CA can recommend tactics that can help the parties increase their likelihood of having a successful resolution of their case.

Consider Your Goals

Sometimes parties can get so invested in the dispute that they forget what their actual goals are. A business lawyer can help provide important insight into this. Parties to mediation are free to bring their own legal representative to mediation so that they can stay aware of their rights and have an advocate to look out for their best interests. The mediator can also help discover the parties’ goals by asking questions and soliciting feedback. Goals may include preserving an important business relationship, avoiding costly litigation or securing a new deal.

Send Invitations

Nothing is worse in mediation than the parties negotiating for hours and reaching a final agreement only to find out someone who is necessary to settle the claim is not present. It is critical that decision makers be in the room at mediation or at least accessible during the process to prevent a deal from falling apart at the end.

Be Creative

One of the greatest advantages to mediation is the ability of the parties to craft their own solution. By thinking outside the box, parties are often able to negotiate better solutions than other methods would have provided.